Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Esia Hadirkan HTC Desire VC Bundling dengan Esia max-d

Esia baru saja meluncurkan program penjualan handphone Android bundling terbarunya, yakni handphone Android HTC Desire VC. Handphone tersebut dijual bundling dengan kartu perdana Esia max-d. Sebagai bonus, Esia memberikan akses internet gratis sebesar 12 GB selama 1 tahun dengan kecepatan hingga 3.1 Mbps.

Harga yang ditawarkan oleh Esia untuk handphone tersebut pun cukup murah. Untuk memperoleh handphone ini, Anda bisa membayar Rp.2.999.000 dan bisa didapatkan di gerai Esia. Selain itu, mereka juga memberikan pilihan bundling HTC Desire VC dengan Esia max-d yang dilengkapi dengan headset ‘Urbeat’ keluaran Beats Audio. Harganya jelas lebih mahal, yakni Rp.3.788.000. HTC Desire VC merupakan salah satu produk handphone dari HTC yang menyasar kalangan menengah ke bawah. Handphone ini menawarkan layar berukuran 4 inci dengan resolusi 480×800 piksel. Handphone yang emnggunakan sistem operasi Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 ini juga dilengkapi dengan prosesor single core 1 GHz yang dibarengi RAM 512 MB. Selain itu, handphone ini juga adalah handphone Android dual on GSM CDMA. Anda bisa menggunakan dua SIM card dalam satu handphone.

Source :  http://www.beritateknologi.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Handphone Berbasis Meego Pertama dari Jolla Bakal Datang ke Cina?

Jolla Mobile, perusahaan yang mendedikasikan dirinya untuk smartphone berbasis Meego baru saja mencapai kesepakatan dagang dengan salah satu perusahaan retail Cina, D.Phone. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa sistem operasi yang ditinggalkan oleh Nokia tersebut masih disukai oleh para konsumen.

Jolla Mobile sendiri merupakan perusahaan yang didirikan oleh mantan pegawai Nokia. Dan, beberapa di antaranya adalah mereka yang terjun langsung dalam proyek Meego milik Nokia. “Cina adalah pasar smartphone yang paling luas dengan perkembangan yang sangat cepat di dunia,” ujar chairman Jolla Mobile, Antti Saarnio. Lebih lanjut dia mengatakan bahwa penandatanganan kerja sama dengan D.Phone tersebut sebagai langkah positif bagi perusahaannya.
D.Phone sendiri merupakan salah satu retailer handphone dan akesoris terbesar di Cina. Perusahaan ini memiliki lebih dari 2000 toko yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru Cina.
Meego sendiri merupakan sebuah OS berbasis Linux yang dulunya dikembangkan oleh Nokia. Dan, perusahaan yang berbasis di Finlandia tersebut pun sempat mengeluarkan handphone berbasis Meego, yakni Nokia N9. Dan, peluncuran handphone tersebut dianggap oleh banyak pihak sebagai salah satu bentuk kegagalan dari Nokia. Dan, pada beberapa waktu lalu, Nokia pun secara resmi telah memutuskan kerja sama dalam pengembangan OS Meego.

Source :  http://www.beritateknologi.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Change SSH port for security reason on AIX

Today i face a problem about ssh and sshd services on my AIX box. Absolutely i can’t connect to the machine using standard port of SSH. This is definitely annoying because this  service of ssh is currently used for maintain and manage the machine remotely.
Thanks to telnet, on first deployment i install the telnet services alongside the ssh for backdoor connection if of the ssh services is failed, so i still connect to my machine.
First step i do is checking the services of sshd an ssh using command below :
#lssrc -s sshd
the result show the services is on inoperative state.
then i invoke the command below to restart the service :
#stopsrc -s sshd
#startsrc -s sshd
the i invoke the first command to see the service state, and the result show the services still on inoperative state.
To see what happened on detail process, the following command invoked :
#/usr/sbin/sshd -de
the terminal show there’s problem on binding port, means the port already used.
to resolve the problem, i decide to change port from standard port to more restricted port. in this case let says the port changed to 789456.
So, what do I do to change this from the AIX side?
Using the following command :
#vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
I’ve edited the port in /etc/sshd_config (removed the #) Port 789456
I also changed the defaults to 789456 in my  /etc/services
ssh 789456/udp # SSH Remote Login Protocol
ssh 789456/tcp # SSH Remote Login Protocol
then i restart the service again using the following command :
#stopsrc -s sshd
#startsrc -s sshd
to check if the configuration is running well, try to connect to the machine using the following command :
#ssh -p 789456 ahmad@localhost
and voila …. now i can connect to my machine again …
I have read about the security benefits of not using  default port of SSH then i change mine. and now my AIX Box feel more secure …

Source :  http://kusumah.wordpress.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Chromium OS , first impression .. not a review

OS Logo
Chromium OS as known as Chrome OS is open source operating system developed by google intended for user who ‘always’ sitting for web activity and has ‘stabil’ internet connection. In their official website, chrome os offer fast,simple, secure computing experience based on google cloud technology.
Login Screen
Like as other OS, when it start to ignite, simple ‘splash screen’ logo appear with loading progress indicator. Loading process takes time less than 20 seconds before login screen show up. On the first time it run, we should input and provide our google account. this google account will be act as default user for Chromium OS.
Desktop Screen
First screen appear when we log in is pretty simple, same as Google Chrome Browser, with same option and layout. The difference is the is two icon show up, File Manager Icon and Web Store icon. File Manager Icon is used for maintain file locally and remotely. this file manager provide user interface like as usual file manager for desktop application.
Web Store
The most important thing is Web Store. This is application store has hundreds of ‘plug and play’ application which can be deployed using single click action. Content of Web Store is quite simple, applications grouped by functionality, and also we can manage our application using ‘Your Apps Section’.
Finally, Chromium OS is significantly offer basic functionality for mobile person who always connected to the internet. But, this internet connection  becomes major weakness. Maybe if the world could rely on one massive wifi signal, then this would be handy. But since there is an economy and every limits our internet capabilities to make money off of us. This will become a fail.

Source :  http://kusumah.wordpress.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Loading Purchase Request Using Mincom Connector Java .. (Ellipse Part 1)

MSO 230
Integration between java and mincom ellipse v.5 is quite tricky. Although mincom provide middleware to facilitate the integration, but we should know all model used in ellipse screens.
Below is first part on how we can communicate and loading data from java application into ellipse server.
In this example will explain about Purchase Request creation.
1. Firstly we should innitiate connection to ellipse server, get connection and store the session.
this is the class to handle connection :
package com.ellipse.main;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.cbr.CBRException;
import com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.EllipseLoginException;
import com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.IMimsSession;
import com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.MimsSessionFactory;
import com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.MwareException;
public class ConnectionEllipse {
private IMimsSession mySession;
private String buflib = “DOWNLOADED_XML”;
String tp;
String host;
String port;
String userHost;
String passHost;
String userEllipse;
String passEllipse;
* EllipseConnection constructor
public ConnectionEllipse() {
private void initConnection(){
this.tp = “Cics”;
this.host = “”;
this.port = “0″;
this.userHost = “guest”;
this.passHost = “guest”;
this.userEllipse = “USER”;
this.passEllipse = “USERPASS”;
}catch (Exception e) {
* Set the location of the bfl files (for MSO access)
* @param location
public void setBufferLibraryLocation(String location) {
buflib = location;
* Connect to the Ellipse server
* @param TP
* @param hostName
* @param portNumber
* @param hostUsername
* @param hostPassword
* @throws EllipseLoginException
* @throws EllipseConnectionException */
public void connect(String TP, String hostName, int portNumber, String hostUsername, String hostPassword) throws EllipseLoginException {
MimsSessionFactory sessionFactory = MimsSessionFactory.getMimsSessionFactory();
mySession = sessionFactory.getMimsSession(TP,buflib);
//            mySession.setTracing();
try {
mySession.connect(hostName, portNumber, hostUsername, hostPassword);
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
} catch (CBRException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
* connect without injecting patameter
* @throws EllipseLoginException */
public void connect() throws EllipseLoginException {
MimsSessionFactory sessionFactory = MimsSessionFactory.getMimsSessionFactory();
mySession = sessionFactory.getMimsSession(this.tp,this.buflib);
//            mySession.setTracing();
try {
System.out.println(this.host+”>>> “+this.passHost);
mySession.connect(this.host,0, this.userHost, this.passHost);
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
} catch (CBRException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
* This method attempts to login to the Ellipse server.
* @param mimsUser
* @param mimsPwd
* @param district
* @param position
* @throws EllipseLoginException
* @throws EllipseConnectionException */
//login to mims
public void login(String mimsUser,String mimsPwd,String district,String position) throws EllipseLoginException {
try {
} catch (CBRException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
} catch (MwareException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
} catch (com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.ServerException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.getLocalizedMessage()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
* using param from ellipse.properties
* @throws EllipseLoginException */
public void login() throws EllipseLoginException {
try {
} catch (CBRException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
} catch (MwareException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
} catch (com.mincom.mims.tech.mware.common.ServerException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.getLocalizedMessage()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(trimQuotes(e.toString()));
* This method attempts to disconnect from the Ellipse server.
* @throws EllipseLoginException
* @throws EllipseConnectionException */
//disconnect from mims server
public void disconnect() throws EllipseLoginException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
} catch (CBRException e) {
throw new EllipseLoginException(e.toString());
* Get the current connection to Ellipse
* @return IMimsSession: The current Ellipse session */
public IMimsSession getSession() {
return mySession;
* Trim the error message and remove double quotes
* from the ends of the message.
* @param errorMessage String
* @return String
private String trimQuotes(String errorMessage) {
// Start with initial trim
String trimMessage = errorMessage.trim();
// Strip double quotes (“) from error message
if (trimMessage.startsWith(“\”") && trimMessage.endsWith(“\”")) {
trimMessage = trimMessage.substring(1, trimMessage.length()-1);
// Trim again on the way out
return trimMessage.trim();
2. Second step is identify all field screen model on Purchase Request ( MSO 230)
* creating PR
* @param session
public void createPr230(IMimsSession session){
try {
ScreenObject mso = session.executeMSO(“MSO230″);
/** Multi Item PR**/
mso = mso.getCommands().item(“OK”).execute();
/** input requester **/
mso = mso.getCommands().item(“OK”).execute();
/** input item **/
mso.getFields().item(“ACTION1I1″).setValue(“A”);//input cost center
/** item description **/
mso = mso.getCommands().item(“OK”).execute();
/** insert cost center **/
mso = mso.getCommands().item(“OK”).execute();
/** final execution **/
mso = mso.getCommands().item(“OK”).execute();
} catch (Exception e) {
Voila, now our Purchase Request Has been created …

 Source : http://kusumah.wordpress.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Password Life Time on Oracle

Alter Profile
By default, user created in oracle has password expiration on 180 days. It means, when the time reached, the user will be forced to change their current password. This mechanism from security view is has advantages, it makes user aware to always maintain their current profile and data.
But, in other hand, sometimes an application need user with no expiration date of password such as ERP, Procurement etc. In order to facilitate this needs, there’s 2 ways to do so :
  1. Create stand alone profile with unlimited expiration date and assign to user
  2. Update user current profile, set limit of password expiration to unlimited
This time we’ll show the second method, update user current profile.
The steps are :
1. check current user profile using command :
select profile from dba_users where username=’<username>’;
2. Change limit of password expiration policy o unlimited
alter profile <profile_name> limit password_life_time UNLIMITED;
3. Check profile after to make sure policy has been updated
select resource_name,limit from dba_profiles where profile=’<profile_name>’;
Now,all users with this profile has no expiration date policy for their password …

Source :  http://kusumah.wordpress.com/

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Analisis Rangkaian Digital dengan Electronic Workbench 5.12

Kemajuan teknologi sangatlah cepat dan sering kali sulit diabaikan. Harus diakui bahwa dunia digital tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Walaupun pada awalnya manusia mampu beradaptasi dengan dunia analog, tetapi penemuan-penemuan dalam bidang elektronika yang mulai mengarah pada terciptanya perangkat-perangkat digital secara perlahan telah membuat manusia harus mulai belajar untuk bergantung padanya dan tentu saja menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan-perkembangan yang ada. Dengan demikian, kehidupan yang lebih baik dan harmonis bisa tercipta. Buku ini disertai 120 contoh rangkaian yang dapat melatih kemampuan menganalisis dan memodifikasi rangkaian-rangkaian digital mulai dari yang sederhana sampai yang paling kompleks.

Source: http://www.bukukita.com

Anda ingin mencari refrensi dan contoh program lengkap disertai Source Code ? Kami ada. Sekarang Anda bisa mencari Program Penjualan Visual Basic di situs ini : www.skripsi-informatika.com. Koleksi program lengkap di sana, proyek PHP dan MySQL, juga jQuery dan Framework, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net, Delphi 7 dan juga Java NetBeans.