Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Password Life Time on Oracle

Alter Profile
By default, user created in oracle has password expiration on 180 days. It means, when the time reached, the user will be forced to change their current password. This mechanism from security view is has advantages, it makes user aware to always maintain their current profile and data.
But, in other hand, sometimes an application need user with no expiration date of password such as ERP, Procurement etc. In order to facilitate this needs, there’s 2 ways to do so :
  1. Create stand alone profile with unlimited expiration date and assign to user
  2. Update user current profile, set limit of password expiration to unlimited
This time we’ll show the second method, update user current profile.
The steps are :
1. check current user profile using command :
select profile from dba_users where username=’<username>’;
2. Change limit of password expiration policy o unlimited
alter profile <profile_name> limit password_life_time UNLIMITED;
3. Check profile after to make sure policy has been updated
select resource_name,limit from dba_profiles where profile=’<profile_name>’;
Now,all users with this profile has no expiration date policy for their password …

Source :  http://kusumah.wordpress.com/

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